6. 【oxo.hk】kodbox - Powered by kodbox【點贊數量】:1 網站簡介:kodbox可道云(原芒果云 KodExplorer)是业内领先的政务/企业私有云和在线文档管理系统,为个人网站、企业私有云部署、网络存储、在线文档管理、在线办公等提供安全可控,简便易用、可高度定制的私有云产品。采用windows风格界面、操作习惯,无需适应即可快速上手,支持几百种常用文件格式的在线预览、播放和编辑,环境友好,功能强大,是一款一经试用,就再也离不开的私有云产品。同时你也可以将此程序二次开发整合到你现有的系统。
7. 【yhi.hk】Jinchuan Group International Resources Co. Ltd | 金川集團國際資源有限公司【點贊數量】:1 網站簡介:We are well positioned to take advantage of Hong Kong as an international financial and trade center to vigorously build upon our strategy of multinational operations.
27. 【bmy.hk】耶書亞研經中心 בית מדרש ישוע BMY【點贊數量】:1 網站簡介:耶書亞研經中心( BMY) 是跨宗派的基督教非牟利機構,其成立目的是為要幫助信徒從猶太的角度和文化背景去更深認識主耶穌和聖經。我們主要用聖經原文、文學手法、猶太背景和歷史地理等資料來研讀《希伯來聖經》和《新約聖經》。除了舉辦查經、課程、講座、聖經營,我們也會與教會和機構合作,盼望建立更多主的門徒回應召命,一同建立天國。
28. 【ebiz.hk】首頁 - EBIZ HK LTD.【點贊數量】:1 網站簡介:E-BIZ不論在多媒體設計、網站設計及優化、手機APP 開發、影片製作,以至網站管理維護、所有IT 相關的技術支援,都能提供專業意見及服務,助你完成一齊有關電子商務的需要。
29. 【cmx.hk】Eventizer | 易玩太爽【點贊數量】:1 網站簡介:Eventizer 是一家專業數碼轉型解決方案提供商,已為 50 個行業的 200 多家大中小型企業、跨國公司、政府機構和慈善機構提供了優質可靠的在線系統開發服務。Eventizer is a professional digital transformation solution provider that has provided high-quality and dependable online system development services.
31. 【lex.hk】LIBERTY EXCHANGE Kitchen & Bar | Central | Hong Kong【點贊數量】:1 網站簡介:LIBERTY EXCHANGE is a cosmopolitan restaurant and bar serving delicious food in a great atmosphere. The split-level dining room has a more formal seating area upstairs, serving New American cuisine, while the ground-level bar, bistro and lounge channels in a more energetic vibe, with refined sartorial detailing.
40. 【bud.hk】Budweiser American-Style Lager【點贊數量】:1 網站簡介:Budweiser is an American Lager beer from Anheuser-Busch InBev. The King of Beers! Discover Budweiser products and initiatives clicking here.
54. 【antiques.hk】antiques.hk - Domain parked by Europe Registry【點贊數量】:1 網站簡介:Europe Registry is your European wide domain name registrar providing complete coveragage of European ccTLD domain names including .eu .de .nl .be .es .uk .it .se .ch .pl .at and more member states.
59. 【ibm.hk】IBM - United States【點贊數量】:1 網站簡介:For more than a century, IBM has been a global technology innovator, leading advances in AI, automation and hybrid cloud solutions that help businesses grow.
60. 【afc.hk】Welcome to Asia Frontier Capital - Asia Frontier Capital【點贊數量】:1 網站簡介:nvest in the future of Asia's frontier economies with Asia Frontier Capital Ltd., a pioneering fund management company specializing in high growth investments.
70. 【bbcc.hk】Licensing Consultant | Beyond Building Consultants Co. | Hong Kong【點贊數量】:1 網站簡介:Beyond Building Consultant Co.
BD Submission, A&A work, Minor Work, AP/RSE Services, RI Services, MBIS, Licensing Consultants Service for Restaurant, Food Factory, Guesthouse, Club, Place of Entertainment.
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